
Saturday, December 15, 2012

Diva tip: Accumulate your spare cash

Some of you might have some extra money laying around somewhere in your home, in your office or wherever you usually be at.  You probably found your stash hidden somewhere deep where you might forget to look over the years.  Perhaps, you found an unclaimed, unmarked dollar bill on the streets or someone just paid you back in full.  It could be as little as $1, $5, $10, or $20 or huge as $100 and up.  (I remember where I was a teen, I found a $20 bill on the commuter van on the way to school).

Now that you got extra money in your hands, what are you planning to do with it?  I know some of you might say: Ooh, new shoes!  This could buy me that new dress I saw at the window.  I can get my nails done.  I can get my hair done.  Brand new makeup kit!  New wigs!

SLOW DOWN!  Think for a bit.   In fact, think about your future.  We are wasting money on things that doesn't generate a stable future.  We're living too much for today and neglect thinking about tomorrow.  What you're going to do if you blow that money in full right now?  What are your plans for tomorrow?  You might not be lucky to find another amount to replace it the next day.  I'm just saying. 

Instead of spending on the present moment, start investing in your future.  Use that spare cash you got by tripling it.  There is a financial program you can go to.  It's called a Individual Development Account (IDA).  It's a special savings account where you can triple your money.  For example, if you put $5 into the IDA, the government will match $5 to you IDA, and a private group will also match $5 to your IDA, totaling $15 in you IDA.  If you put $100, the government will put $100, and a private group will also add the same amount, it will total $300 in your IDA.  Therefore, every time you add money to your IDA, your money will accumulate three times.  This program is free to sign up and it makes a good investment to help generate more money for yourself and for your future.

Here's the link to Individual Development Account program.

Remember, you don't have to be rich and famous to be a diva, being yourself is what a diva is all about.  Blessings!

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